New Eruv Boundaries
The Henderson Eruv was originally established in May of 2014. Since then, it helped Henderson grow from a handful of families to a flourishing community of over 100 families. It was built and is maintained by the Ahavas Torah Center. As the community has continued to grow we have thankfully outgrown our eruv. The original structure is no longer sufficient for the expanding needs of our community.

The Eruv Committee has already invested thousands of dollars to bring an Eruv consultant to Henderson during the summer of 2021 and create a thorough plan to ensure a proper expanded Eruv. Rabbi Zomick toured our current eruv and suggested important renovations along with the much needed expansion plan.
The approved expansion moves eastward toward Gibson Rd. and south below Horizon Ridge Parkway. Housing in these areas is less expensive than within the eruv and of course within walking distance to the shul. The expansion also includes a number of hotels and apartment complexes not previously within the Eruv.
This is a huge milestone for ATC and the Henderson Jewish Community and involved many hours of effort to get this approved by the City of Henderson. With the help of Hashem, we were able to secure this approval. We have all the plans and approvals in place and everything needed to get the job done, now we are turning to the community at large to assist financially to get this Eruv complete! The Henderson Eruv committee is raising $25,000 to cover the costs of the construction and upkeep of the new expanded Eruv.